
HI 好久沒發文唷!! 發現我長灘島欠文欠很久耶 農曆年都過完了>"<
不過 真的要開工好多事情要處理 真的很忙耶 對有在認真發漏等文的朋友們 至上歉意!

第一張照片給妳們看一下 我們最後三天stay的 HOTEL 很漂亮吧!!!
哀 但是別開心的太早  我也是被這些外表 和照片 所欺騙了...一看見這間飯店
我覺得好划算 因為是VILLA! 而且有游泳池 好美! 一個晚上才不到3千! VILLA一間三千真的很便宜!!!

所以我一口氣定了三天!!!  沒想到 這是噩夢的開始阿!!!!!!!!

整篇文章我只能用"金玉其外敗絮其中" 來概括!!!!!!  

但是別以為妳可以自由使用  當地的工作人員整個霸占了阿!!! 
4.5個人在這裡吃中餐 聊天 抽菸 晚上竟然還睡覺在這裡


雖然他們很友善...... 而且他們整天都在那裡   這個涼亭就在游泳池前面
我們停留的三天 完全沒有用到游泳池...如果一群人一直盯著妳玩水...不會很尷尬嗎?

第一天 我們被安排到的房間


但是這跟我們在網站上面看見的照片 落差很大阿!!! 這間又小又擠 根本不能算VILLA!!!

而且有樓上!!但是樓上不能使用!!!! 通往樓上的門是鎖起來的! 問了工作人員 他竟然說 因為我們訂的房型沒有樓上
簡直就是騙人阿!!!  我在網站上看見有樓上+樓下的VILLA才訂的阿 而且我訂的房型上面說明也有樓上!

房間超小  而且一走近剛開始會聞到香水味 似乎是用來唬我們的
後來會聞到嚴重的發霉味道!!! 整間都是發霉味

而且床上都是沙子!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  棉被感覺沒有洗  被單沒有換 潮濕又發霉的味道 棉被一打開 床上全部都是沙子!!

乍看之下 浴室好像也不錯

別以為這個按摩浴缸可以用 根本就是壞掉的 只是放好看給妳看  浴缸的橡膠的地方全部都發霉!!!
左邊連接一個不到一坪大的室外迷你花園 原本覺得很浪漫 但是草草石頭等根本就沒有在維護
而且!! 沒有門 只有簾子 蟲蟲甚麼都都可以飛進來!!  

好了 這些照片妳會覺得我很愛抱怨  但是我要給妳們看真相了  有圖有證據!!!

這是房間的牆壁  房間的牆壁唷!! 漏水 整面牆在漏水! 妳看見一條一條的 是漏水的痕跡

右邊的衣櫃 根本不能用 我打開一次以後就不敢再開 裡面都是灰塵 而且發霉!!


窗簾 這是窗簾 似乎是2年沒有洗過!! 而且還有水漬 然後很臭 發霉味

天阿!!這是浴室的天花板!!!!!!!噁心至極  這地方免費就算了 但我付了一晚3千元!!心裡很想把從小到大會的髒話全部念一變

噁心阿 噁心 照片還看不出來  這個馬桶 上面妳看見黑黑的 都是綠綠的東西 綠色的!!深綠色的髒東西
根本就沒有打掃!!!!!!!!!!  噁心死左邊我還已經用衛生紙擦掉   我快吐了  

左邊我用衛生紙擦拭過 然後突然想到 靠! 沒圖沒證據  趕快去拿照相機照相 右邊霉菌才被我保留

水痕 裂痕 還有小蟲子!!

原本以為是天堂  結果是地獄   !!!   晚上睡覺根本睡不好 把床單拿起來甩一甩 床上還是有一些沙子

第二天我們跟飯店抱怨 才給我們換房間  換房間 有比較好一點 但是還是強烈懷疑沒打少 地板黏黏的都是沙子
床上還是沙子 最可怕是枕頭套!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   枕頭套很髒阿 我根本不敢睡在上面 只好拿自己的衣服放在枕頭上
枕頭套上都是黃黃的漬痕  我已經完完全全沒有心情照相  雖然換到有樓上的VILLA 樓上根本甚麼都沒有阿 
只有一張床 也根本不可能睡
外面的小陽台 根本讓人不敢站出去 全部都是鳥屎沒有打掃!!!!!!!!

我差點忘記說 第二天晚上  我做在躺椅上 結果躺椅底下突然串出一隻大型蟑螂  大型的唷!!!
太可怕!  我簡直要哭出來   好險歐陽迅速 拿起拖鞋 打死了那隻蟑螂  不然我看 整個晚上我都不敢睡覺了

聽完我的抱怨接下來聽歐陽的吧, 如果妳有興趣閱讀英文的話...

We showed up to the hotel and were delighted that the public space looked just like the pictures. The staff was very nice and accommodating even though they never got our reservation. When we got to our room though it was a total disappointment. The smell of mildew was overwhelming and there was water damage in multiple places through out the unit. In fact, even though it hadn't rained for a few days there was a steady stream of water pouring down the bedroom wall. The unit was suppose to have a garden shower but that was removed and thus the 'garden' was somewhat useless. The bathroom is essentially outside as one wall is missing which gives it a tropical feel but instead the bathroom tiles are corroding and the toilet was indescribable. My Girlfriend used a cloth and wiped the under side of the toilet seat to wipe the rust like residue that seemed to not have been cleaned off...well, ever. The doors to the each room can't stay open so you have to prop them open with furniture. The sliding doors in the unit seemed not to have rails to run on as you have to force them open with brute force or just leave them shut. As we went out we asked if we could change rooms as we thought maybe we just were unlucky with the unit. The staff politely agree tomorrow we could change. After we came back from dinner and took a shower we started to get into bed only to find that the bed was full of sand and the sheets hadn't been changed...

The next day, even though we ordered breakfast to the room at 9 I had to go to the front desk and ask for breakfast to be delivered, I would have called but the line was dead, this was OK even as its a small complex. But breakfast was horrible, the next two days we skipped it as it was better paying to eat out than waste the stomach space.

The next unit they moved us into was full of water damage and had a horrible smell too. It was a much better unit though so we agreed to change. After we went sailing it rained a little bit and when we came back the wall in the bathroom which already had serious water damage had leaked again and water had flowed across the bathroom floor leaving a big brown stain with it. The sheets were clean this time as I specifically asked them to clean it. And as if on cue there was a giant cockroach, not surprising as the walls had holes to the outside where you could see light coming through. 

Honestly, we wanted to like this place be we just couldn't. The staff was nice and polite but you have to ask them for everything and they seem to not know what they are doing most of the time. Most of the time the 5 staff members sit under the cabana near the pool making it less than comfortable to go swimming with them all staring at you. 

This place needs serious renovations and is not fit for the rating it has. 

The best part is the location is pretty good. You can walk to the night clubs yet too far to hear them, and the best part(BY FAR!) of the beach is very close. If I went back again I'd stay in the same location but a different hotel. Its kind of back away from the road and has some abandoned buildings next to it and some shanty houses along the way if you don't want to walk by that at 2 in the morning. 

這篇文章的用意是 警告大家 如果要去長灘島  千千萬萬不要定這間飯店!!!!!  不然一定會毀了妳的假期!!

如果這篇對正在爬文是否 訂這間飯店的你 有助益的話 麻煩按個 推!

如果你同意這間飯店噁心至極的話 也可以按個 推推!


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